Elif Gündüz + Sunae Hwang

Match - No flowers bloom without wavering


Elif Gündüz + Sunae Hwang

Match - No flowers bloom without wavering

The collection is dedicated to Sunae's Korean roots, reminiscent of the struggles that she had encountered during her school days. The inspiration has started with the kids in uniforms, during her generation.

Sunae wanted to capture the misfit ones and their suppressed rage & sorrow. This collection is a dedication for” the beautiful struggles'' and the “beautiful endings”.

The collaboration is to emphasize the concept behind the garments, combining collage, digital manipulation techniques and photography.

Photography: Elif Gündüz
Fashion and Styling: Sunae Hwang
Model: Mia Matsune


MATCH - Collaborative project with fashion and photography students, summer semester 2021

Nächstes Projekt:
Fritz Enzo Kargl + Alessandro Santi