Marie Haefner + Kaja Busch

Match - Working on Shame


Marie Haefner + Kaja Busch

Match - Working on Shame

Working on Shame – a collaborative project by Kaja Busch and Marie Haefner

Kaja Busch‘s collection is about shame in a social and bodily context. After extensive research based on interviews with wo- men and non-binary people the aim was to use commonly known and readable signifiers of shame and turn them into garments. In the end the collection should be something one can reflect on and have an empowering effect that could normalize what is usualy deemed as shameful. Marie Haefner‘s photographic approach for this project is strongly influenced by Rineke Dijkstra‘s Beach Portraits and the way her subjects are portrayed through the poses they take.

Photography: Marie Haefner
Fashion + Styling: Kaja Busch
Models: Safira Robens, Dora Denerak, Selma Lindgren


MATCH - Collaborative project with fashion and photography students, summer semester 2021

Nächstes Projekt:
Marija Ðondović + Vanessa Schreiner